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Arrabida Kayak Tours

Arrabida kayaks

photos from the Arrabida kayak tours

The protected Arrabida Natural Park lies one hour south of Lisbon. It is a landscape of lush green fields, vineyards, limestone hills and at the coast the land drops over 300 metres to the sea in spectacularly steep and craggy cliffs.

The Arrabida kayak tour is the ideal way to explore this dramatic and unspoilt coastline. Our experienced and knowledgeable guide will lead the way along the coast in and out of breathtaking rock formations and past secluded beaches and coves. They will point out interesting features of the landscape, flora and fauna and historical sites as you pass.

Please contact us for more details for more information on the Arrabida kayak tours or to book your trip.

The Arrabida kayak tour includes transport from Lisbon if required and on the way the guide will tell you more about the Natural Park and answer any questions you may have. The tour starts with a briefing on how to use the kayak and safety procedures. Life jackets are provided. The kayaking tour is €75pp and runs from spring to autumn with a break over winter when the seas are rougher.

This tour can also be combined with a hiking or cycling tour.
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We also offer kayak surfing tours.

Thank-you for your interest in our Arrabida kayak tours we hope to see you soon.

Arrabida kayak tour photos are subject to copyright

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Whats App: 00351910668600

The kayak tours are...

suitable for families and groups, eco friendly, transfers and gift vouchers are available!
Please contact us with any questions regarding suitability for kids and people with disabilities.
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Arrabida kayaks

Arrabida kayaks

Call or text (SMS) 00351 910 668 600 or 00351 910 690 926 9am - 6pm GMT

Licensed Travel Agency RNAVT 5595.

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